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Janelle Orion seated

Sister! I want to help you come home to yourself, your pleasure and your radiance. I want you to see yourself as the exquisite version of the Goddess that you are. Through sacred touch conveyed with an open heart, I help you trust women, and yourself.


This is for women who:

★ Feel stuck, stifled, or unfulfilled in their relationship with their PARTNER.
★ Feel stuck, stifled or unfulfilled in their relationship with THEMSELVES.
★ Have unspoken desires.
★ Want to discover their Pleasure Pillars.


My role is to help you remember:

Remember the feeling of being grounded, confident, sure of yourself

Remember the feeling of being accepted and desired

Remember the feeling of being seen and understood

Remember the feeling of belonging

Remember the feeling of freedom

Remember the feeling of being you

All of you.


Don't worry. I'll hold your hand.

You are not alone

Through tantra I have discovered my own Pleasure Pillars (my laughter, trust and a relaxed nervous system) and have experienced how pleasure is an expression of the Divine.


Integrating my life force energy and seeing pleasure as sacred has been life changing for me:

I know what I want

I ask for what I want

I invest in my radiance

I'm clear on my soul's desires.

I view my pleasure as sacred and my birthright.

I want that for you too.

My tools are trust, deep listening, curiosity, acceptance and non-judgement.


By the end of our time together you can expect: 

★ To love yourself more

★ New tools for emotional resilience 

★ Greater permission to be more you 

★ You will more easily express your desires
★ Your inner and outer selves will be in closer alignment
★ More trust in women and stronger trust in your intuition

★ You’ll be free from some societal and religious conditioning



Due to the deep and profound nature of the work and the intimacy, bravery and vulnerability required, I only work with women who

  • are already on a spiritual path

  • have a trusting relationship with their intuition





Goddess Activation

Allow your body & soul to be honored and revered. We acknowledge your womb as a magical center of creativity and power. Includes being bathed in a Cleopatra milk bath with rose petals, energy work, soul reflection, and internal sacred spot massage.



3HR 1.5k


Surrender to
the Goddess

Curious about BDSM? Rope, flogging, spanking or ….? Do you have a longing for your desires to be fulfilled, in a safe and trusting environment? Allow Goddess Janelle to unblock forgotten parts of yourself and activate your pleasure so you feel more alive.


2HR 1600



Are you tired of thinking, “Is this all there is?” Are you ready to have more pleasure, intimacy and fulfillment in your life? Are you considering opening your relationship or exploring polyamory? I help you give yourself permission to break free of societal norms and to ask for what YOU want. 

1 month 2000

3 month 5000


Join an intimate gathering of wildly alive women at my Braveheart Retreat June 14-16th  Learn More

"Thank you for teaching me, showing me, reminding me, to be all of myself. I am so inspired by how you move through the world and the energy you carry. 


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